So, you're about to open a coffee shop, or a barber shop, an internet store...
And you're thinking where to get the Logo done.
And we are sitting here in our office thinking will you go to our web site and order the whole branding package for your small business?
To be fair the price tag for proper branding done in a proper Branding Agency is quite high. Not every StartUp can justify investing in the real Branding Package.
Nope, most of the small businesses will not got to a Branding Agency and will unfortunately search for a low cost inexperienced freelancer.
For those StartUps that we are interested in we will design an Express Logo on our weekend for the price of 1 McKINLEY Bill.
We offer this deal as a Covid-19 support for small Businesses and StartUps. In case any big company thinks that is a good idea to save money and participate in this offer and get a nice LOGO for this price please don't.
We will not accept and issue you a refund.